Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 14, 2014 - Sara Hopkins
Here's a sneak peek into Fanshawe College Gardens!

Lots of hard work over the last twelve weeks have gone into the gardens and now we are seeing the beautiful big picture of what has been accomplished. We have been maintaining D courtyard, the bus stop loop by H,M,F and the residences this week. With the weeds subdued, the flowers are looking brilliant! All the lilies are in full bloom- my favourite is the Foxtail Lily which can be found outside the Office of the Registrar.

In the Woodland Garden there has been a lot of editing and division. Some plants lsuch as lambs easr just spread and pop up everywhere that you did not intend. Under the paver path runs an irrigation line which unfortunately had a leak this summer and was quickly repaired. It’s amazing to see how easily the pavers lift up and can be replaced with little to no damage.

We also have started our pot-in-production of fall Mums. Stringline and measuring tapes were used to space the pots evenly throughout the bed. Holes were dug and pots leveled for even watering. It is suggested that after two inches more of growth to perform a soft pinch on all apical buds.

As you can see in the picture the greenhouse is empty of all plants. The greenhouse has been sterilized along with all tools required for the incoming poinsiettia crop to ensure a clean environment before they arrive.

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