Thursday, April 6, 2017

Greenhouse duty
Liam and Ben

March 31, 2017

It was a gloomy spring morning when Ben and I entered the greenhouse. We began our duties by completing our daily check list and walking the crop. We spot watered all plants and used both 200 ppm and 350 ppm fertilizer for petunias, stock baskets, Alocasias and annual Geraniums. We then took a walk through the greenhouse where Jeff pointed out tasks that we could add to our list. After our break we began to sow all sorts of vegetable seeds as well as make labels for plants. 

After lunch we got right back at it and we had the task of helping Mike Pascoe and Lucas bring in some soil as well as take down horticulture displays for the apprenticeship graduation that happened today.

We also set out bug traps for our pest monitoring report. We continued our day by walking around the school observing the interior plants that we needed to maintain during the weekend. We also trimmed back olive trees and changed the sign outside. Other small tasks that we completed were organizing stock plant baskets, opening and closing the POS system and watering seedlings.

April 1, 2017

As we woke up and headed to our weekend greenhouse duty we knew today was going to be a good day as the sun was shining and the birds were singing. We began our weekend duty by completing our daily check list as well as a thorough walk of the crop where we noticed that we needed to water the seedlings in the greenhouse.  We then decided it was time to deal with the interior plant tasks that Jeff had left for us. This included planting up some Pothos and Ficus as well as watering with the Aquamate. 

We made our way to T building to plant Pothos in the common area then on our way back we stopped at M building to plant more Pothos. After break we were able to do EC readings and Ph readings. Shortly after, we began selecting plant from the stock baskets to cut back. After lunch we selected all baskets and trimmed them back. Then we watered the crop (seedlings) and did a walk through. To finish off the day we washed pots and did a walk of the crop, cleaned and washed all surfaces, watered seedlings and checked the propagation chamber.

April 2, 2017

Today was a good day. It was forecasted that it would be sunny so we were ready for a great day. We started out morning with our usual check list. Shortly after that we did our walk of the crop where we spot watered seedlings and stock baskets. We also watered the hanging stock baskets with 200 ppm fertilizer using the irrigation system. There were also some baskets that needed to be cut back as we missed them yesterday. Then we began to clean the tractor bay which included organizing pots and tools, cleaning the floor and organizing the letters associated with the sign.

We also vacuumed off all surface and shelves. After break we did another walk of the crop and cleaned out the drains. At this time we also had to water seedlings again.

After lunch we decided it was a good idea to also clean the pots located in the hallway in the loft shelf and organize them. There were also a lot of large clumps in the media that had to be broken up. We then checked the mist system and gathered our pests for our pest monitoring report. After completing a thorough monitoring report we then did another walk of the crop to ensure things were good and everything was watered. After filling the propagation chamber with water we then began to wrap our weekend at the greenhouse by cleaning all surfaces and putting away all tools that we used.

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