Greenhouse Blog entry - October 25-27, 2013 Emily and Jseeica Our greenhouse practical began on the cold rainy morning of Friday, October 25th. As soon as we arrived, Jeff showed us that some leaves of the poinsettias were changing colour! Then he told us what we had planned for the day and we began by splitting up some of the smaller tasks that we could get started on right away. Jess told Emily that she smelt bad so she should do the pot washing to get cleaned up. Some 200 pots later, Emily was covered with water and ready to start another task. During this Jess began propagation on some tropical and annuals and she organized the propagation chamber to make room for some new stuff. Later on, Jeff helped Emily and Jess move three large plants to the second floor of F building. On the second trip to drop off the plants Emily and Jess got lost while trying to get back to the first floor but they quickly realized they were just back on the second floor! After that, we got started cleaning up the poinsettias for any dead foliage. Later, Jeff told us what he had planned for Saturday and Sunday and by then it was time to cleanup to go home. On Saturday, October 26th, it began like any other day with us opening up the shade curtains so our poinsettias could get some light that the cold cloudy day might have to offer. We also decided that the poinsettias needed a good drink of 20-20-20 fertilizer and H20. After finishing up with the poinsettias we gathered up all the tropical plants so we could add them to the interiorscape planters and free up some room in the greenhouse. Jeff also gave us the task of transplanting some of the larger tropical plants into different pots. As you can see below, it definitely was an interesting and messy task! The last day of our time in the greenhouse we spent most of the day finishing up working on the tropicals that we hadn’t gotten to the day before. After that it was a rush to complete the important tasks that were still on our list such as pot washing, propagating, cleaning the poinsettias, closing the shade curtains, and giving the greenhouse floors and tables a good washing from a very productive and messing weekend. We got all of that done and more. What a busy but rewarding weekend!
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